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Laboratory Attritor

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MIKRONS® Lab Attritor has been designed to allow easy removal of the grinding chamber from the mill. The motor is controlled vide a variable frequency drive controller.

The MIKRONS® Lab model Attritors are versatile, reliable laboratory machine designed to meet all the lab grinding needs. These are ideal for small scale formulations, feasibility studies and quality control studies.

Users of MIKRONS® Lab Attritors can choose wet or dry grinding, vary grinding speed, change media size all in one. All MIKRONS® Attritors come with TEFC or explosion proof Electricals and can be equipped with a variety of accessories to expand its versatility

Attritors are best specified when the starting particle size is between 325 mesh up to 1/4". For starting particle size of 1/4" or larger, a laboratory ball mill is probably the most appropriate choice. For starting particle sizes less than 325 mesh, one should consider a laboratory small media mill such as the laboratory bead Mill


In addition, lab Attritors offer other advantages including better temperature control, the ability to grind under inert gases as well as liquid nitrogen.
Features of MIKRONS® Lab Attritors
  • Variable speed drive for different RPM selections
  • Tachometer
  • Easily removable tank for media discharge
  • Adjustable tank height to accommodate different size grinding media
  • Stainless steel shaft with arms
  • Replaceable stainless steel tank
  • Jacketed tank for heating/cooling
  • Media discharge valve

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